Build a service mindset culture series: 5 steps for excellent service

Online Training:
服务心态系列: 卓越服务5步骤 《单元3:客服表現的自我檢測》
Build a service mindset culture series: 5 steps for excellent service

Time: 2pm Thursday
Date: 3 September 2020
Language: Mandarin 华语
Venue: Online Training
Speaker: Woo Man Loong

服务心态系列: 卓越服务5步骤 单元三:客服表现的自我检测

  • 自我检测:能力与承诺
  • 发展阶段的特点
  • 检测自己的发展阶段
  • 明白您的 D1,D2,D3 和 D4个人故事

Self Diagnosing

  • Define diagnosing, competence and commitment
  • Learn characteristics of development level
  • Diagnose your own development level
  • Identify your personal D1, D2, D3 and D4 stories

Author: admin

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