FMCO Online Wealth Creation

Are you still looking for a suitable career development? Is your income worse than before because of the impact of the pandemic? Do you want to achieve financial freedom early but still heading nowhere? Do you want to give your family the best in life but can’t afford to do it? Opportunities come to those who are proactive.

Whether you want to start a business, own a side business, or just want to give yourself a golden opportunity to develop your career, you need to act now and join this training and let your dreams soar with us!

Date: 5 June 2021
Time: 2.30pm Saturday
Venue: Online Training 线上​​课程
Language: Cantonese 粤语
Speaker: Elton Kwong 龚家耀

MCO 3.0线上创富贵

你还在寻找合适的事业发展? 你面对疫情冲击收入大不如前? 你很想提早达成财务自由却一直浮浮沉沉?你很想给家人最好的生活却力不从心?机会永远只留给主动积极的人。

Author: admin

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