A Power Sales Tool in Life Pre-Planning Product (Eng)

A Power Sales Tool in Life Pre-Planning Product (Eng)
爱延续- 开启生命事前规划的销售话术 (英)
Bereev, is a Death Preparation App that helps you create a plan which will guide your loved ones when you’re gone. The development of Bereev App aimed to change the way Asians dealt with death, to help people to think about mortality, have conversations with loved ones about it and make important decisions and plan beforehand.
We have the great pleasure of inviting you to attend this workshop by Bereev CEO Izumi, to reveal the amazing features of Bereev and how these advantages able to help us to reach out to a wider market.

Date: 21 February 2022
Time: 8pm Monday
Venue: Online Training 线上​​课程
Language: English 英语
Speaker: Izumi Inoue

Author: admin

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