Business Opportunity Online Seminar

In the current pandemic amidst job losses and salary reductions, do you feel your life is over? Why not take advantage of the situation and turn it into an opportunity to start a business or earn extra income so that you can create a different life? We will provide you will a zero-risk, zero-investment entrepreneurship platform to get started. Don’t just watch others succeed because you can too seize this golden opportunity now!

创业商机 线上分享会

疫情当下,事业亏损,薪金消减。你觉得人生就此完了吗? 那为何不趁这个时机尝试创业或者赚取额外的收入,让自己创造不一样的人生呢!我们今天就许你一个零风险,零投资的创业平台,赶紧把握黄金机会吧!看着别人成功,想想你也一样可以!

Date: 5 Oct 2020
Time: 8pm Monday
Language: Cantonese 奥语
Venue: Online Training 线上​​课程
Speaker: Vjac Chang

Author: admin

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