Build a service mindset culture series: 5 steps for excellent service

Time: 2pm Tuesday
Date: 11 Aug 2020
Venue: Online Training
Langauge: Mandarin session
Speaker: Woo Man Loong

服务心态系列: 卓越服务5步骤

  • 目標設定的重要性
  • S.M.A.R.T目標設定
  • 專注於任務的執行
  • 做出正確的選擇
  • 實現目標的要素

Build a service mindset culture series #2
5 steps for excellent service
《Chapter 2: Goal Setting for Excellent Service Mindset》

  • The Importance of Goal Setting
  • Setting SMART Goals
  • Focus on Execution of Tasks
  • Make the Right Choice
  • The Elements of Achieving Goals

Author: admin

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