Understanding astrology and mastering its advantages


Astronomy and astrology are closely related in relation to life’s destiny. We sincerely extend an invitation for you to participate in our session to discuss horoscope trends as revealed by astrology in 2020 and the astrological secrets that you must analyse. Let us understand astrology and master the advantages of life!

Jamie Pang is an Aetheric Healing TM Master Practitioner who has studies astrology under renowned teachers in the UK, She is also the founder and mentor of the Astrology Study Group Malaysia. Through use of astrology, she has assisted countless clients to discover potential talent and create a different blueprint for life.



庞疏洁是一名星座佔星师,曾远赴英国与当地名师研习佔星,也是大马佔星班Astrology Study Group Malaysia的创办人兼导师。以佔星学协助无数客户发掘天赋的潜能,创造不一样的人生蓝图.

Time : 3pm Saturday
Date : 18 Oct 2020
Language : Mandarin
Venue : Online training
Speaker : Jamie Pang
Duration: 120 min

Author: admin

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