Penang MCO Pray SOP in English

Non-Muslim Religion Places of Worship in Green Zone have been allowed to resume operations from 10 June 2020.
The Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) is as below:
1) Maximum of 30 attendees. (subject to the size of premises)
2) Aged over 70 and under 12 are NOT allowed to enter.
3) ONLY Malaysian are allowed to enter the premises.
4) DO NOT stay in the premises once the ceremonial ritual has been done.
5) Must record personal data, check body temperature, use of hand sanitizer and wear face mask.
6) Practice social distancing at least 1 meter.
7) Individual with Chronic Disease (diabetes, high are NOT encourage to enter.
- Kindly make an appointment in advance with us to avoid overcrowding.
- The wait time might be longer if no appointment made.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Please read the standard operation Procedures (SOP), thank you.
Penang MCO Pray SOP in Chinese

政府宣布從 2020年 6月 10日起, 在綠區的非伊斯蘭宗教場所將獲准開放,例如寺廟,教堂,興都廟等。
1)人數只限30人 (根據場地大小而規定)
2) 70歲以上及12歲以下不可出席
- 在此北馬區富貴集團鼓勵客戶,如有意前來山莊拜祭,請提早向工作人員預約以避免人潮聚集。
- 如無預約者,必須稍作等待且時間將無法預計。

PUTRAJAYA: Senior Minister for Security Ismail Sabri Yaakob says the number of people allowed to travel in the same car during the recovery movement control order (RMCO) period will remain unchanged at four or depending on the vehicle capacity.
He also said the individuals travelling together must be from the same household.
“It is four passengers or depending on the capacity of the vehicle. That remains. We will announce if there are any changes,” he said at his daily briefing on the Covid-19 situation here today.
The RMCO, which began today, will continue until Aug 31.
When asked why those travelling from the peninsula would need to undergo a swab test to enter Sabah and Sarawak, he said it was a requirement set by the states as individuals would be confined in a flight for several hours.