Nirvana Funeral Service Package 殯儀服務
Most people have never planned a funeral before and, in fact, they do not know where to begin. By offering complete funeral packages we have done much of the preliminary work, allowing you to concentrate on other matters. We hope to be of help in this time of need and our deepest sympathies go out to you and your family.Nirvana Funeral Service Packages will provide you the very best care and service to help you through this difficult time. They will help plan every detail of a funeral service customized to fit your family’s needs and traditions.

Urn compartment is a structure with compartments or niches (small spaces) for placement of ashes or cremated remains in urns. In Nirvana, each compartment are unique design with space for individual stela. It is a spacious and comfortable resting place which is in harmony with a peaceful environment of great splendor and serenity. The departed will be able to rest peacefully while their descendants acquire abundance of prosperity, health, longevity and great fortune.
There are superb choices of single, double, or family compartment at affordable prices for choices and also caters the needs for the Buddhists, Taoists, Christian, Catholic etc

骨灰殿內堂富麗雅緻,金碧輝煌的骨灰閣,排列有序,給予訪客寬敞明亮之感,其整體裝潢 風格堂皇而不失莊嚴,以彰顯先祖的尊貴顯赫氣勢。骨灰閣採用中國傳統屋苑設計概念為主,讓先人彷彿置身於一個永恆的家園,讓人生的盡頭找到歸宿。
為了打造一個精心雅緻的骨灰殿,從整體的設計到選材、施工的每一個步驟,都是設計師 計多年古典建築的巧思妙想下,催生而成。因此,骨灰靈位數量有限,質感絕佳,極為珍貴。有单人或双人的选择,实惠的价格位精湛的选择,也迎合了佛教,道教,基督教,天主教 的需求。
Nirvana Memorial Park (Penang)
At the foot of the hill where Penang’s famous Kek Lok Si temple is located, sits the Nirvana Memorial Park, Penang. Within the Park, overlooked by a statue of the Goddess of Mercy, is the serene, landscaped West Lake Garden and the Western Three Saint Temple which hosts the images of Amitabha Buddha, Goddess of Mercy and Da Shi Zhi Buddha.
The resplendent 5-star Western Three Saint Columbarium offers a spacious relaxation lounge for the comfort of family and visitors and a distinctively designed door to the ground floor urn compartments depicts the Eight Auspicious Emblems of Buddhism that represent how one should progress along the Buddhist path to enlightenment.

Blissful Memorial Park
Imagine a Chinese Imperial Garden with temples, sculptures, prayer hall, function halls, pavilions and extensive landscaping surrounded by luscious rolling green hills, Blissful Memorial Park imbues a modern yet serene ambience.
More than a cemetery, Blissful Memorial Park is the first professionally managed and maintained exclusive garden mausoleum in Northern Peninsular Malaysia. Blissful Memorial Park is elegantly crafted based on the enchanting oriental architectural designs with luxury setups in a placid and picturesque environment to deliver the best for our patrons. Blissful Memorial Park offers your departed loved ones the best resting place, peace of mind and nothing less than the highest respect and recognition.
Nestled by the pond of the exclusive Blissful Memorial Park surrounded with rolling hills, the Pavilions are perfectly built to front the auspicious pond with lush landscaping on its banks. Coupled with the spring’s water flowing through the stream to the pond, the serenity is further enhanced with the reflection of the clear water. (Pre-launching discount available. Please register here. )
座落于檳州唯一私家陵園積福山莊山中湖畔山形環抱,湖畔堂前聚水,綠意盎然,夾岸芬芳,如意湖清溪潺潺,靈氣聚集,淺霧輕飄湖面。(預購優惠折扣, 查詢詳情,請 )

Nirvana Memorial Park (Singapore)
Nirvana Memorial Garden is the first privatised columbarium in Singapore to combine Chinese culture with modern architecture, incorporating the teachings of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, with an aim to uphold traditional customs as well as to improve the culture and value of bereavement care services.
With its state-of-the-art technology, high construction quality standard and continuous maintenance, Nirvana Memorial Garden has changed the previously perceived solemn image of a columbarium to one of fresh and modern elegance, allowing visitors to feel comfortable and at peace when they pay respect to their departed loved ones. Together with a professional management team and friendly service staff, Nirvana strives to provide a peaceful resting place for the departed and a complete peace of mind for the family members.
Nirvana Memorial Garden reflects the reverence of ancestors by their descendants, and continues the tradition of remembrance. The comfortable environment allows family members to catch up with each other and have a good meal at the cafeteria after paying respect to their ancestors, reinforcing the Chinese traditional values of family cohesiveness and filial piety.
在硬体方面, 富贵山庄通过专业规划,先进的科技及严谨的施工品质,加上细心的维护,是一个一改传统晦暗形象,庄严肃穆,与具清新优雅气质的现代化骨灰殿,让到访者在追思之际更觉舒适祥和。同时专业的管理团队,友善的服务人员, 为客户提供一个生者安,逝者敬的优质环境。